Fortnightly Poem 9.B (Karen’s)

My poem this week is taken from my newest book – Appetite | The Politics of Food – which is set to be release before Xmas – Watch this space!

Obesogens Appetite

Ultra -processed foods are the major

contributor to childhood obesity and

child diabetes, as well as the alarming

rate of obesity in the general population

of most western countries

A large oval table with water and mints

Power Point Presentations by serious men

Grey suited, tied down, important business

But what’s in these bowls lined up on the table

Are they really piles of Krispy Kremes?

No, it’s not an excessive morning tea

for the unreconstructed, nor leftovers

from the tubby kids’ birthday party

It is a vital work of product improvement

A search for hyper-palatability

maximum deliciousness

Each man reaches out, takes

a slow, thoughtful bite

giving those earnest winetasters

a run for their money

One says – Not sweet enough (add more sugar)

Another says – Not crispy enough (add more fat)

Not moist in the centre –must fix that ‘mouth-feel’

Not more-ish enough ( MSG, PHA BHT)

A bit more of this, a touch more of that…

Finally they all nod— Just Right

We’ve acheived Blisspoint!


This is a meeting of drug peddlers

working on the perfect equation

to achieve maximum addiction

Starting with those controlled by their ids,

who haven’t yet learned about food as guilt

In a world where we expect to have it all,

and have it now, we start with the kids

Sugar salt fat they keep coming back

playing with their little brains

Why eat porridge when you have pop-tarts?

What do they call chemicals

that create

maximum deliciousness

maximum more-ish-ness?



Fortnightly Poem 9.A (Featured)


Fortnightly Poem 8.A (Featured)